Martin Šefránek : Men who knows too much and didn't kept that only for him (1st part)

Precio 14,40 EUR
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czech but clear
délka: 15''
Divus / TeleDVision, 2002

DVD (limitovaná edice)


First part of infotainment movie serie.

Script Martin Šefránek
Picture: Kakalík
Sound: Ivan Mečl
Directed by: Kakalík

Starring: Martin Šefránek and Ivan Mečl

*Martin Šefránek is introducing himself********Martin Šefránek is introducing alcohol adict - Ivan Mečl****Therapy example I. - Ignoring of offer*******Therapy example II. - Obviation*Therapy example III. - Refusal by counterattack**Goodbye to the patient and audience