Introduction of a new book and exhibition of collages forming stories, votive images, mental panoramas of milestones within global retrograde history and communal jumbo-koans.
Come to read books and magazines in Divus. A large variety of Divus and allied publishers stuff. You can also watch our movies while resting on eternal grass.
This exhibition of works by the beloved and reviled – yet world-renowned – artist, sculptor, performance artist and creator of short experimental films features a cross-section of his work, presented as “the worst of Martin Zet”: monumental sculpture and selection of his film work, presented using the profane technology of the karaoke.
The mouths of pop-culture icons such as Miley Cyrus (the famous girl from the Hannah Montana television series) and Hello Kitty spew forth a thick mass that flows down or twists into decorative arabesques.
Throughout its history, Polo Ralph Lauren has been appropriated by narcos, musicians, politicians and militaries, who have helped to shape the garment into a symbol of Mexican culture and post-revolutionary identity.